Rogue Squadron, now under the command of Wedge Antilles, continues to fight the Empire to protect the newly formed Republic. After the deaths of Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader, the Galactic Empire collapsed, but was reborn under a mysterious new leader. Six years after the Battle of Endor, the Rebel Alliance has established the New Republic, which now controls three quarters of the galaxy. As the Empire gathers strength for an all-out assault on the Rebel forces, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles form Rogue Squadron, a group comprising twelve of the most skilled X-wing pilots from the Rebel Alliance. Six months after the Battle of Yavin, the fliers of Rogue Squadron are engaged in a desperate battle for the survival of the Rebellion. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron is set during the war between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance.